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ULISSES Project | Preparatory phase (e-learning)

The Preparatory phase corresponds to a ten-week introductory course (via e-learning).

Projeto ULISSES | Preparatory phase (e-learning)

In this preparatory phase, ULISSES offers a wide range of online lectures and materials via the Moodle open-source learning platform.

These sum up the fundamentals and core competencies of the disciplines involved in the project, giving participating students with different academic backgrounds an overview of all the relevant fields of study. This will ensure that all participants will be able to engage in discussions during the Team Project phase.

The University of Lisbon Interdisciplinary Studies on Sustainable Environment and Seas (ULISSES) is a project that provides students with a deep knowledge of ocean related problems. The participants are challenged to solve a pressing real life problem while working together in an interdisciplinary and international team. English will be language used in ULISSES.



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